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Treating Your Heel Spurs With Minimally Invasive Surgery

Treating Your Heel Spurs With Minimally Invasive Surgery

If you're dealing with the discomfort and pain of heel spurs, you're not alone. About 15% of people develop heel spurs, and just like you, they’re seeking effective ways to alleviate the agony and get back to their active lifestyles. 

Our team of expert podiatrists at the Manhattan Podiatry Associates, PC, in Midtown or Downtown Manhattan, often perform minimally invasive surgery to help treat heel spurs. This approach offers several benefits that might just be the solution you've been searching for.

Here’s what you need to know. 

Understanding heel spurs

Before diving into the details of minimally invasive surgery, let's briefly discuss what heel spurs are. Heel spurs are bony growths that can develop on the underside of your heel bone. They often occur due to the continuous strain on the ligaments and muscles attached to your heel. Over time, this strain can lead to the build-up of calcium deposits, resulting in the formation of heel spurs.

The result? Heel pain, inflammation, and swelling that forms at the front of your heel. Cold compresses, orthotics, and rest can help ease some of your discomfort at home. Physical therapy and injections can also help reduce pain and inflammation. 

If conservative treatments don’t provide enough relief, you might consider minimally invasive surgery. 

The appeal of minimally invasive surgery

Traditional surgical approaches for heel spurs can be quite invasive, requiring larger incisions and longer recovery times. Minimally invasive surgery, on the other hand, offers a more patient-friendly alternative. Here's why it's gaining traction:

Smaller incisions

With minimally invasive surgery, only small incisions are made. This reduces tissue damage and leads to less scarring.

Faster recovery

Since the procedure is less disruptive to the surrounding tissues, recovery time is typically shorter compared to traditional surgery.

Reduced pain

Minimally invasive techniques are associated with less post-operative pain, making your healing process more comfortable.

Lower risk of infection

Smaller incisions mean a decreased risk of infection, contributing to a smoother recovery journey.

Minimal blood loss

The risk of excessive bleeding is significantly lowered with minimally invasive approaches.

The minimally invasive procedure

During minimally invasive surgery for heel spurs, your Manhattan Podiatry Associates podiatric surgeon inserts a small camera (called an endoscope) through a tiny incision near the affected area. This camera provides real-time visuals to guide your surgeon as they use specialized instruments to remove the bony growths with precision.

Is minimally invasive surgery right for you?

Not everyone with heel spurs is a suitable candidate for minimally invasive surgery. Factors such as the size of your spurs, your overall physical health, and previous treatment attempts play a role in determining your eligibility.

During your consultation, our team determines the best course of action for your specific situation. Whether it’s conservative treatment with orthotics or a surgical approach, rest assured we focus on the right treatment for you.

Your road to recovery

After the minimally invasive surgery, your surgical team provides detailed instructions for your recovery. These may include:

Although surgery requires a bit of downtime and pampering your foot, the important thing to remember is that at the end of your recovery, you’ll find relief from your heel pain related to heel spurs. 

Are heel spurs holding you back?

If heel spurs have been holding you back from enjoying your favorite activities, minimally invasive surgery could be the key to reclaiming your life. 

Step into a pain-free future and book an appointment today. Call our location most convenient to you or schedule online today.

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